d. p. dorfmueller co. inc.
Print Reading for Concrete.... Video Training Series
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Print Reading for Concrete – is a concrete focused training course presented by the Author of Print Reading for Construction. The instructor has over 40 years in construction; 30 of those years in concrete construction. The training program is a combination of 6 units of video with Test Your Knowledge activities to enhance the participant’s learning. The program is intended for technical students, apprentices, and construction workers or anyone entering the concrete construction industry. Upon completion of this training course, the participant will be able to navigate construction documents.
Links to videos will be sent immediately following the purchase…
- Taught by the author Dan Dorfmueller
- 6 units of training, 3.5 hours of video
- PDF downloadable Student Handouts for each unit
- A Test Your Knowledge activity at the end of each unit with video review
- Comprehensive final test
- Answer key for all the questions
UNIT 1 - Introduction to Drawing Organization Lines & Symbols
UNIT 2 - Construction Math
UNIT 3 - Learning how to read an Architects & Engineers Scale
UNIT 4 - Introduction to Specifications
UNIT 5 - Review of Architectural Drawings
UNIT 6 - Structural Systems and Review of Structural Drawings
UNIT 7 - Review of Final Test Your Knowledge
What you get with the training program...
- Links to 7 videos
- PDFs for Study Prints
- 6 PDFs for Student Handouts
- 1 Final Test Your Knowledge activity
- Answer key to all the Test Your Knowledge activities
- Access to the Author for questions
- Free webinar training when provided
Please Note:
This video series is for individual use... companies who want to use this video series for training multiple people within their company please contact me for a discount rate or license.
Thank you